Thứ Ba, 9 tháng 9, 2014

Intergated marketing communication

1.       What is integrated marketing communication?

According to Gary Amstrong and Philip Kotler in the book Marketing an introduction, IMC is a strategy that carefully integrating and coordinating the company's many communications channels to deliver a clear, consistent, and compelling message about the organization and its products.

The main goal of integrated marketing communication is create one unite image and message across all communication channels because there is a shift to a richer mix of media and communication when the consumer is getting more and more information through different channels. 

2. How to create IMC in organization?

The concept of IMC is one message across all the promotion tools
To get the better control all over thousand of company activities, the role of marketing communication manager who takes care of company's communication efforts should be appointed. 

However, the most important thing is that the carefully selected promotion mix that can generated the most benefits for company. Depend on what type and what size of company, we can choose different promotion mix that includes these promotion tools:

-Advertising: reach masses of buyers. It create positive image about company success. It also help company dramatize products through visuals, sound, color,..However, advertising is more one way communication.

-Personal Selling: most effective tool in building up buyers' preferences, convictions, and actions. Buyers feel a need to listen and respond. However, it is very expensive.

-Sales Promotion attract consumers' attention. offer strong reasons to purchase. However, it is only for shorst-term boost but not good for long term branding and customer relationship

-Public Relations: News stories, features, sponsorship and events seem more real and believable to buyers. However, marketers tend to underuse PR  

-Direct Marketing or Digital Marketing: 


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